Current Blog Posts

Finding Rest in a Lose-Lose Culture

It is no secret, and likely no surprise that we live in a divided, lose-lose culture. Regardless of where you live or the type of church you pastor, many individuals come to the table with steadfast, unbreakable convictions. And the fact is that, right or wrong in the eyes of […]

Pivot. Innovate.

The story that is unfolding in our world today was unimaginable a few short months ago. None of us were prepared for the disruption we have been forced to embrace. We find ourselves in a historical moment that is reshaping our world. Andy Crouch released a fascinating article on March 20th, 2020. […]

Help! I’m Now a Homeschool Parent?!

There is no doubt the troubling times in which we’re living have created disruptions in our lives. A few weeks ago, our routines were likely set. Now we are working from home or not working at all, AND we’ve been thrust into the unknown of homeschooling our kids as they […]

Plan A

Each generation that has ever lived believed that they were living in the most interesting and challenging time in history. The questions they had to answer were more significant than the previous generations, and the barriers to greater humanity were more overwhelming than any other age had ever experienced before […]

Fresh Expressions: River City Church

Back in May, I had the privilege of interviewing Ryan Sidhom, the lead pastor of River City Church in Vancouver, Washington (USA). As we explore creative, fresh expressions of the church, we thought his story and the church’s mission, vision, and rhythm were so inspiring that we needed to share […]

Fresh Expressions of the Church

On July 11th, 2017 the Barna Group published an article on their website that began with this paragraph: “It may come as no surprise that the influence of Christianity in the United States is waning. Rates of church attendance, religious affiliation, belief in God, prayer and Bible-reading have all been […]

Challenging and Improving Toxic Culture – Part 2

In our previous post, we began a discussion about improving toxic culture. We defined two significant terms to help us understand where we may stand as leaders–transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Now, let’s dive into more detail as we unpack this vital issue in church culture. It Starts With You. […]

Culture: Counting the Cost – Part 2

There is a ton of buzz in churches these days regarding the need for some major cultural shifts. I believe the Holy Spirit is moving His bride in some dynamic ways at this moment in time. Some even say that we may see a 2nd Reformation in the Church over […]

Captivating Culture

The book of Acts captures the captivating story of the birth and growth of the First Century Church. There are a few times in this amazing story where Luke clearly describes the ethos of the community that was forming. A wonderful example of this is found in Acts 2:42-47: “42They […]

Hero-Maker Pastors in Guatemala

During the first week in November, I had the opportunity to travel to Guatemala. I have made the journey to this beautiful country on many occasions, and each adventure has deepened my love for Guatemala and its joy-filled people. I first traveled to Guatemala in the summer of 2008. I […]